Inženjer projektant – građevinski inženjer​

Inženjer projektant – građevinski inženjer BACK TO CAREERS BOSNA-S je kompanija specijalizirana u energetskom sektoru i naftnoj industriji koja posluje na domaćem i inostranom tržištu od 1990. godine. Ključ našeg uspjeha leži u ispunjenju misije koju smo zadali i na čemu se temelji naša politika kvalitete: pravovremeno ispunjenje svih obaveza prema klijentima i zaposlenicima, te […]

Upgrading of Cathodic Protection System for Nafoora Field

Upgrading of Cathodic Protection System for Nafoora Field

The work consisted of drilling nine deep anode ground beds, installation of anodes, anode junction boxes, and backfilling of deep anode ground beds, pulling and termination of cables, fabrication and installation of crash barriers, installation of grounding including testing and commissioning of ground beds.

Inspection & Enabling works for Tanks at Zawia Tank Farm Fields

Inspection & Enabling works for Tanks at Zawia Tank Farm Fields

Refurbishment of six (6) storage tanks (each: diameter 58m and 21m high). The work consists of tank’s isolation and dismantling of instruments, pipes, followed by de-slugging, cleaning and reparation of bottom and shell after Ultrasonic Survey. Washing and painting of tank’s shell – external.